Habits of MindIn Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick's "Describing 16 Habits of Mind ,"the authors explore student performance. Habits of Mind mean to have disposition toward behaving intelligently when faced with a problem. What I mean by behaving intelligently is to have control over your emotions and think of ways to avoid a problem. Reading about the habits of mind i realized that when I'm confronted with problems I use most of the habits of mind, but the one habit that describes me more is Listening to Others-With Understanding and Empathy. Proverb 1.5 proclaims that "Listening is the beginning to Understanding..."which I strongly agree with because when i was smaller i ran away from home. I didn't know where to go at first but since i went to my sister's house a lot I remembered how to get their by listening to the conductor. I got in trouble when i got back home but if i would have never listened to my sister and the conductor I would have probbably been missing somewhere. Also since I started listening more i learned how to understand the transit system.